Provider Stories

Spotlight on: Dr. John McKnight

Our patients often need care needed that goes beyond the scope of what a primary health care provider is in the position to give. Thankfully, in 25 years of service to the community, the clinics have been able to establish relationships with a network of specialists who understand this. Called to do their share, these providers donate over 7,000 hours of service to clinic patients each year.

One of these providers, Dr. John McKnight of Leavenworth Family Dental, has been treating Saint Vincent patients since beginning his practice in Leavenworth in 1999. The dentist he took over for had set this up and after learning about the clinic and the needs of the patients, Dr, McKnight knew it was a service he wanted to continue.

Clinic patients are referred on an emergency basis. The first priority is to get them out of pain. Because these patients lack insurance or a way to pay for expensive dental care their needs generally go beyond just the emergency that brings them in. Often Dr. McKnight goes above and beyond for these patients to address more significant issues, and he also reaches out to other dentists in the in the community for specialized care.

Dr. McKnight describes the clinic as providing a vital service and a great outreach. He feels that traveling more than a few miles may not be an option for patients with limited means and when everyone in a position help does what they can it won’t overwhelm anyone. His contribution helps ensure that those in need in the community have local resources for dental care.

Thank you to Dr. McKnight and his whole staff for the kindness, compassion and respect they treat all of clinics’ patients with. They are making a difference for those who need it most and we appreciate everything they do.