Snowflake Streak

snowflakestreakcleanlogonodateWebSnowflake Streakers Raise more than $55,000 for the Uninsured

Despite the unseasonably warm weather, an estimated 400 walkers—dressed in snowflakes, Frozen lookalikes and other festive apparel joined the second annual Snowflake Streak to support Saint Vincent Clinic on Jan. 24. The one-mile walk, held at the Riverfront Community Center, attracted walkers from all over the Kansas City metropolitan area.

“We raised over $55,000,” said Amy Falk, Caritas Clinics, Inc. Executive Director. “Special thanks to our Presenting Sponsor, St. Luke’s Cushing Hospital, and all our sponsors for making this event a huge success. The Pancake Breakfast was underwritten by Country Club Bank and Citizens Savings and Loan sponsored the Beverage station.”

According to Ron Romig, the Snowflake Streak Grand Marshal, this event is a win-win for our community and Saint Vincent. “It’s rewarding to see so many area businesses, civic groups, schools, and families join forces to help those in our community who have no health insurance. Together we are making a difference!”

Box in:
And the winners are…
Cereal Ingredients
Most Fun Team
Citizens Savings and Loan
Top Fundraising Team
Country Club Bank
Best Use of a Tutu by a Bank President
Heartland Dental
Most Spirit
St. Luke's Cushing Hospital
Biggest Team
TenPenny Restaurant & Bar
Best Fundraising from Polar Waterfowl: "TenPenny Plastered Penguins"
And most of all, our patients!


Special thanks to all the walkers, donors, sponsors and volunteers for making a difference.
Saint Luke’s Cushing Hospital, Presenting Sponsor
Country Club Bank, Pancake Breakfast Sponsor
Citizens Savings and Loan, Beverage Station Sponsor
Cereal Ingredients, Inc.
Commerce Bank
Exchange National Bank & Trust
Kare Pharmacy of Lansing
Leavenworth Family Dental
Leavenworth Times
Saint John Hospital
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
TenPenny Restaurant & Bar
Tire Town