Patient Stories

CCI  debra_amber 3Debra first came to Duchesne Clinic with headaches, blackouts, and thinking she must be dying. With blood sugar levels over 500 and no idea how to control her diabetes, death was a very real possibility.

Daniela was referred to Duchesne Clinic from a hospital. Ten days after giving birth, this young mom with no prior history of heart disease had a heart attack. Duchesne Clinic's volunteer cardiologist helps her stay healthy, even arranging open-heart surgery. 

Unemployed and alone for the first time in her life, Teresa didn't know she had diabetes and couldn't afford to make good nutritional choices. Duchesne Clinic's patient advocate took her to lunch at a local soup kitchen and helped her learn what her options are in getting help and finding good nutrition. 

How do we help these patients? Through the commitment of many individuals, community groups, businesses and foundations who are dedicated to the health of our patients and our community. Each year, volunteer doctors, nurses and others donate over 7000 hours to keep our clinic running. Even with a tremendous donation of time and talent, we must raise about $1,000,000 per year to provide quality, compassionate healthcare to over 2000 people.

Three Time Cancer Survivor Finds Health & Hope at Duchesne Clinic

A Mother, and Grandmother, a Sister to six siblings, Connie Brintle has lived on the same street since she was three years old…and she has had insurance most of her life.

Connie was denied disability after getting hurt at work and losing her job and insurance. As a 3-time cancer survivor, she was unable to afford insurance on her own. In pain from her injury and with a long list of medical issues the future was bleak. “I was lying around a lot because of the pain, and was going without my medication to buy food.”

Connie’s niece learning about Duchesne clinic at a United Way presentation and suggested her aunt contact the clinic. Having always had insurance, Connie found it hard to ask for help, but the clinic was her last hope. She was nervous the 1st day she came in to qualify and enroll, but says Gloria Guerra, Clinic Manager, made her comfortable and set aside her fears.

Just before she started coming to the clinic Connie had lost a kidney to cancer. She was upset and worried a lot about needing renal scans to check on her remaining kidney. At her first visit “I felt like a new person before I even had the scan. They were so comforting and it made me feel better knowing they would do everything they could to help me”.

Connie credits her grandkids for keeping her going, but the clinic for restoring her health and hope; making her the active grandmother they deserve. The medication she receives through the pharmacy assistance program means that she can get out in the yard and play with her grandkids, and the care she receives for a clotting disorder and her remaining kidney, gives her piece of mind.

The fist time she had cancer she was a young mother and she asked the Lord for more time with her infant son and to live to see him grown. Now each day she prays the same for her grandkids.

Unknown Rash Leads to Ongoing Hope for Young Mother at Duchesne Clinic

As a mom with two young children, Patricia acknowledges that “I’m sort of a worrier.” So when she had a bad rash that kept getting worse, and no money for a doctor or hospital visit, Patricia did what she knew to do; she worried.
Luckily, one of Patricia’s relatives is a patient at Duchesne Clinic, and encouraged her to seek help from our clinic.
Patricia still clearly remembers how nice everyone was the first time she came in.  As she worked with Liz to qualify as a patient, Patricia felt respected and comfortable. She was impressed with how clean and professional the clinic was.  She appreciated that staff medical interpreters made sure she understood everything being said.
At her first appointment with Annette, our Nurse Practitioner, Patricia wasn’t sure what to expect.  As they talked and got to know one another, “I could see how nice Annette was and how she really cared.  I felt comfortable talking to her and liked how she gave positive, realistic suggestions.”
Finally having a medical home brought hope to Patricia’s life. She now comes to Duchesne Clinic for annual physicals as well as treatment of ongoing conditions. Based on her family’s medical history, she recognizes that, “It’s is important that I take care of myself, because I need to be here for my kids.”  
In Duchesne Clinic, Patricia found a partner on the road to a healthy life.  She made changes to her diet and exercise, and now walks an hour a day.  She learned how to identify things that she does that make her feel bad, and feels empowered to make healthier choices.